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Wives only Wednesday
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
[Wives Only Wednesday]
Spark passion by relentlessly pursuing your husband HIS way.
I proposed last week in "From Discipline and Duty to Delight" that passion is a key ingredient to delighting in your husband. When passion runs deep in your marriage, it is a delight to give generously and to love and serve him.
On Monday I offered husbands the first of four ways to pump up the passion: pursuit.
Today, I'm addressing wives separately, because pursuit typically looks very different to men and women. As I told the guys, if you want to raise the passion level in your marriage, you are going to have to pay attention to it and purposefully cultivate a more passionate atmosphere.
Rethinking Passion
What do you envision when you hear the term “passionate marriage?”
If you are like many women, then you likely think of scenes from some of the chick flicks you’ve watched or the romance novels you’ve read. Or maybe you are thinking more like your husband might and envisioning steamy lovemaking scenes. Regardless, I want to push you to expand your thinking a bit beyond the romantic and sexual aspects of your marriage, though passion certainly does include those.
The kind of passion I'm talking about refers to having an underlying sense of excitement and fervor about your spouse and your marriage, having a relationship full of intensity, joyfulness and unbridled enthusiasm in both the sexual and non-sexual dimensions of your relationship.
Building a passionate marriage starts with desire. You have to want it, and you have to be willing to go after it with determination. Passionate marriages don't just happen. They are sought, cultivated and guarded. Passionate marriages only happen on purpose.
Passion = Pursuit
It's fairly common knowledge that every woman likes to feel pursued, but did you know that your husband also wants to be pursued? It's true. But the nature of what he considers pursuit is likely quite different than what you think of as pursuit.
If you want your husband to feel pursued by you, then you have to pursue him HIS way. And that may not be a way you are used to thinking.
The kind of pursuit your husband has in mind probably has a significant sexual component. There is some truth to the adage that "Men want a princess in the streets and a wildcat between the sheets." There are various versions of this, some much more vulgar, but the idea is the same. Your man feels desired and pursued when you act overtly sexual toward him. That idea might be uncomfortable for you, but I challenge you to try it for yourself. Step outside your comfort zone once in a while and watch his reaction.
The other way your husband will feel pursued is when you let him know how much you admire him as a man, as a leader, as a provider. Your husband wants to be your hero, even if he knows he sometimes falls short of that mark. I can tell you that if you pursue him with your admiration, he is much more likely to step into the hero role than if you criticize him.
Passion Pointers
What matters most is what constitutes genuine pursuit to your own husband. It could be that sexual advances and admiration won't do it for him. If you don't have a clue where to start, come right out and ask him. Be willing to really hear what he says without defending your past actions (or inactions).
Just in case you aren't sure where to start, I'll give you a few suggestions:
- Write him a suggestive love note. Recall a favorite encounter or tell him a few specific things about how he made you feel in bed recently.
- Surprise him with tickets to his favorite sporting event or musical group. You get bonus points if it is something he knows isn't your favorite pastime.
- Bring him a little token of your love the next time you are out shopping, something you know he'll really appreciate. Tell him, "I saw this and thought of you."
- Give him a back, neck or foot rub. While you do thank him sincerely for things he's done for you recently or for working so hard at his job to provide for you.
- Initiate sex in a creative way. Example: leave a note on the kitchen table for him to find telling him you are waiting for him in bed and to come up now.
- Learn how to flirt with him over text message. If you want to get more explicit, there are a number of private, secure apps you can use.
You'll find a few other tips in my post "Endless Pursuit."
Two things are true about pursuit: 1) you should never stop doing it, and 2) it has to be done in whatever way means pursuit to your husband.
How are you doing in the area of pursuit? What have you found that means pursuit to your man? If there are any husbands listening in, can you offer your thoughts on what makes you feel pursued? Leave a comment.
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