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Friday, February 5, 2016
Today I'm starting a new feature called Friday Favorites. On most Fridays I'll be going back in time and revisiting some of my most-viewed older posts. If you are new around here, you'll definitely want to check them out.
Today's Friday Favorite post is an all time top 25 post about kissing, 10 Ways to Change Up Your Kissing Routine. I've also mashed it together with parts of this post: Why a Kiss is Not Just A Kiss.
If "a kiss is just a kiss" then you are doing it wrong.
To me, a kiss is:
- An intimate physical expression of the oneness you share
- A publicly acceptable way of showing affection for your spouse
- Eliminates emotional space between your by eliminating physical space
- As close as you can get to each other without actually having sex
- A great way to keep your physical relationship on simmer
- A cheap, fat-free, sugar-free, guilt-free treat. It can, however, be habit forming
Ten ways to change up your kissing routine
1) Kiss across a crowded room - Some enchanted evening, catch your spouse's eye across a room full of people. Smile, pucker your lips make a kissing gesture toward him or her. It tells your partner that you are thinking of them and loving them despite the crush of humanity between you.
2) Nibble Kiss - Add a little variety by nibbling or gently biting your spouse's lower lip after a more tender kiss.
3) French Kiss - A famously promoted but seldom mastered kiss where your tongues dance together. The trick here is to go slowly and not simply thrust your tongue wildly (that's fine for later, after things heat up). Tease his or her lips with the tip of your tongue. Probe gently and wait for a response before taking things up a notch.
4) Possessive Kiss - Catch your lover off guard by transforming a simple short kiss into a hot, deeply sensual kiss. Wrap your arms around him or her, hold them tightly and kiss like you mean it! This sends the message "you are mine!"
5) Earlobe Kiss - Not everyone likes their ears messed with, but those who do would love to have their earlobes nibbled gently. Whisper a sweet nothing while your are there. Careful though, loud smacking kisses near the ear can really hurt!
6) Cold Kiss - Use and ice cube or mint to cool your mouth before you kiss. It provides an interesting sensation. If your partner is game it can be very sensual to pass it between you with your tongue while you kiss.
7) Nuzzling Kiss - When things are heating up, leave a trail of gentle kisses down one side of your partner's neck and back up the other side. You'll be sure to send tingles through his or her body.
8) Show and Tell Kiss - Ask your partner to describe his or her favorite kiss, and then try to deliver it.
9) Upside-Down Kiss - Catch your partner laying down and approach him or her with your head opposite theirs for an interesting kissing sensation.
10) Almost Kiss - Bring your lips close together and see how long you can go without actually touching.
Take a Kissing Challenge
Kissing Challenge #1 - Makeout Session
See if you can spend ten minutes in a good old fashioned make-out session. Can you make it the full ten minutes with only kissing, nothing more? What you do after the ten minutes is up is totally up to you!
Kissing Challenge #2 - A Kiss to Remember All Day
When your husband/wife leaves for work today (or some other opportune time) give him/her a kiss he’ll/she'll remember all day. Make it at least 10 or 15 seconds. Wrap your arms tightly around him/her and press your bodies together. Your goal should be to see if you can make your spouse dizzy. Later in the day, call, text or email them to say that you have another kiss like that waiting for when they arrive home. Make sure you follow up and give that second kiss.
Are you a kissing couple? Do you need to improve your kissing game? Do you have a favorite kiss? Kiss and tell, it's okay! Leave a comment.
In case you missed it from my last post, I've got a special 25% off introductory sale going on for my fun, new workbook, "Intimate Connections for Couples." Special ends on Valentines Day, so hurry!
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When we do kiss it's as if there is no else on earth but us two. I miss those days. Now I'm yearning for these kisses and glances and my husband well I just don't know if he cares.
Check out the "Respect Dare" by Nina Roesner. It help changed me and thus changed our marriage for the better. You are not alone. In the meantime of waiting, build yourself up in your heavenly Father...He will fill those lonely places.
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